Want to Eliminate Friction & Bottlenecks From Your Capital Raise Process? Here's How.

Alto discusses how traditional capital raise processes introduce friction and bottlenecks that impeded the investor experience -- and how tech solves these problems in a cost-effective way.

Video Transcript

Jim Jones: The investor journey, if you will at what we would refer to as elevated investor expectations, right? So that's, it's the changes in technology that we've seen create an expectation for easy online investing. Low cost to no cost transactions. And then when, and if needed a pleasurable customer experience and customer journey. And that industry has really been bifurcated. If you can separate the taxable investment parts of this versus the retirement. So, you know, when it comes to making investments, which in this industry is unfortunately 97 to 98% of the investments taxable it's, it's a relatively simple experience. It's, it's a couple clicks, but because of the nature of requiring a separate custodian, that tax, that tax deferred element of using self-directed IRA custodians has not been as efficient. So what Alto has been able to do is enable that to happen. So we can more efficiently join with partners, such as yourself. That that creates a huge element of productivity for the companies that are raising capital. In the past, they found that a great part of their staff was required just to process these IRA accounts and we've eliminated all those friction points, all those bottlenecks. So it's literally seamless. It can happen in less than eight minutes to make all this happen. So, you know, at the intersection of all of this is, is technology. That's been able to create this inflection point first.

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If you think about an elegant solution of keeping resources organized, being more efficient, and a manager that may not have the time or the team to manage 50 investors, you have to herd these cats, so to speak, into one area and get the deal done. I think WealthBlock is that solution.

Chris Shen

Founder, Revere

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