Keeping Up With the Digital Age

KMH discusses the importance of marketing and tracking in the digital era and why entrepreneurs must learn to delegate.

Video Transcript

Konni Harrison:

In the digital age, it's, it's different.

And, and I need to keep track of my metrics, which, you know, who's going to my website, what are they looking for? You know, are they more focused on the dog? And you know, my, my volunteering stuff, are they more interested in the race horses? What are, you know, where, where are they resonating with me?

And even, even making edits to your website can be a challenge, right? Because if you don't hit buttons or do things. So in that sense, there also was a time where you were, I had to realize that I can't do it all. As, as an entrepreneur. That's what we want to do. Right? We want to do it all because we're going to cut costs and we're going to make it work. But what happens is you take away from what you're really good at. So I've just hired a marketing person who has not fired me yet. So I think that we're in pretty good shape. But that's, that's the other piece of it, right? You have to bring in the talent that you don't have, because if you use your talent for something that you're not good at, then you're not being able to approach things.


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